Did they (Huu-ay-aht) have a change management Plan? And what were the thing they had in place prior to treaty that sustained them through the change?


Trudy’s answer: I do not have access to or recall a compiled change management plan per say, however, based on memory, I offer the following: Having a consistent Executive Director (band administrator) throughout the change was very helpful Early implementation of various aspects of post Effective Date governance i.e., the separation of administration from politics was extremely helpful and is an ongoing priority. Having a clear, current, and achievable vision and strategic plan / direction has been very helpful.

Did they (Huu-ay-aht) have a change management Plan? And what were the thing they had in place prior to treaty that sustained them through the change?2021-08-26T17:44:50-07:00

Is there a way we can get a survey out to youth ages 12-30 about what they feel they want to do and if we do have young members who are already taking schooling efforts that could potentially fill these positions?


Yes. A survey was rolled out in February 2021 that included these questions as part of the Socio-economic Indicators project. A similar survey was developed for youth under the age of 18 also.

Is there a way we can get a survey out to youth ages 12-30 about what they feel they want to do and if we do have young members who are already taking schooling efforts that could potentially fill these positions?2021-08-26T17:45:02-07:00

Will there be a mentorship initiative or program to keep it sustainable if K’ómoks were to sign treaty?


At this time K’ómoks is working on a Capacity Action Plan that sets out not only a draft potential organizational chart complete with the skills and education required to fill that position to make available to K’ómoks Members to prepare for future opportunities. With the land package being contemplated, there will be many more opportunities beyond working within the nation’s government or administration. As we develop a new city, we will need all that is required for that growth, in turn K’ómoks Members are encouraged to follow their dreams and the nation will support our members whenever and wherever possible.

Will there be a mentorship initiative or program to keep it sustainable if K’ómoks were to sign treaty?2021-08-26T17:45:23-07:00

Would the possible residential areas be for K’ómoks members only or would they go to non-members who want to build?


This is a decision that will be agreed on by the K’ómoks people through a zoning exercise. K’ómoks may choose to keep certain lands (such as IR#1) as “K’ómoks Homelands” in which only K’ómoks Members would be able to own land. Other lands will be for K’ómoks economic development and will have homes and lots for non-members to purchase.

Would the possible residential areas be for K’ómoks members only or would they go to non-members who want to build?2021-08-26T17:48:22-07:00

Do we have a lease with DND for the Goose Spit?


The Goose Spit is broken up into four different parcels. The first is the stretch of road, which is governed by Area B of the CVRD. The second is the HMCS Quadra Cadet Base. The third piece is our Indian Reserve #3, and the fourth is what we have been calling the “tip” of the spit, which was offered and accepted by KFN as part of the Agreement in Principle. There is currently no lease with DND for the use of our reserve lands. The “tip” of the Spit comes to KFN with conditions, one of them being that KFN negotiate [...]

Do we have a lease with DND for the Goose Spit?2021-04-14T23:50:30-07:00

How is it possible to monitor and enforce? Where will we get the money?


Where the Treaty requires us to monitor or enforce specific provisions, there will be implementation funding available. However, enforcement is costly. KFN realizes this is a challenge. We know of other First Nations who have created a program for monitoring and enforcement. KFN has been meeting with those First Nations to learn about how we can enforce our laws most effectively.

How is it possible to monitor and enforce? Where will we get the money?2021-07-16T22:55:32-07:00

How do we decide which proposals go ahead?


That is one of the things we need to figure out still. We still need to determine how this process will be handled, considering the CCP and community input. A first step will be to develop a set of guidelines or a policy framework on the approval of developments.

How do we decide which proposals go ahead?2020-06-11T00:50:48-07:00

Where does education funding come from now? Also, where will it come from in the future as programs are continually cut?


Education funding currently comes from Indigenous Services Canada, and this will not change after Treaty. For additional dollars, KFN needs to develop our own source of revenues, to ensure these education programs continually receive the funds needed to provide education.

Where does education funding come from now? Also, where will it come from in the future as programs are continually cut?2021-04-14T23:52:35-07:00

How would you update the CCP in the future?


The Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) is a living document that needs to be updated from time to time. It is likely that we will go through a formal update and renewal process based on community consultations, every five years. Ideally, the CCP is both strong and flexible. It sets out a course for the community but can also be adapted to new opportunities and situations. In addition, the Plan: Helps the community decide on a preferred future Provides a foundation for all policies and regulations on land use and development Guides economic, environmental, development, and social decision-making Helps to make good [...]

How would you update the CCP in the future?2021-04-14T23:55:49-07:00
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