February 14, 2024
Comox Valley, BC
For Immediate Release: B.C. enforcing the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act on K’ómoks Reserve
The Province has moved forward with their next phase of enforcing the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act (CCLA). While they previously focused on off-reserve cannabis shops not compliant with the Act, as of late 2023, they are now prioritizing stores on First Nations lands
across the province.
Last month, the Province’s Community Safety Unit (CSU) visited the unregulated cannabis businesses on our Reserve. They shared educational materials about the CCLA and how to these businesses can become compliant with Section 119 of the Act. The CCLA is a law of general application. Any laws of general application also apply on Reserves.
Today, the CSU started confiscating unlicensed product from the unregulated cannabis shops
on Reserve.
We understand that the CSU’s actions today impact our members and their livelihood.
K’ómoks did not have a say in the Province’s actions. The Province is enforcing their law, as is their jurisdiction.
The cannabis market can provide significant opportunities for First Nations communities. As the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act is designed now, it’s hard for First Nations to participate. Progress to amend legislation has been slow.
It is our job as elected leadership to represent our people and advocate for our right for self-governance. We will continue to work on this issue to find a resolution, but it will take time. Our best course of action is to retain legal and business expertise to lobby the government to
amend legislation. This will take many months of dedicated effort and community engagement.
We plan to work with store owners on Reserve and consult with our community to find a path forward that works for our Nation.
K’ómoks Elected Chief & Council
Ken Price, Elected Chief Councillor
Coral Mackay, Elected Councillor
Candace Newman, Elected Councillor
Susan Savoie, Elected Councillor