Who will benefit from our taxes?


Most of the taxes collected would be transferred back to the K’ómoks government to support, K’ómoks government programs and services. They would be used for the benefit of K’ómoks Members, through the provisions of additional programs and services and building our infrastructure.

Who will benefit from our taxes?2021-05-20T19:05:07-07:00

Will K’ómoks be able to make environmental laws?


Yes, K’ómoks will be able to make laws that apply on K’ómoks lands for: Environmental Assessment for K’ómoks projects Environmental Management to protect, preserve and conserve the environment in areas like pollution, waste management, air, and water quality Zoning and Land Use designations to protect the environment and direct development to appropriate lands/waters while protecting those values of significance to K’ómoks

Will K’ómoks be able to make environmental laws?2021-04-15T17:47:30-07:00

Are we going to require storage facilities for water?


Not for our own use, nor for water from the Puntledge or in in the foreseeable future, once there is a mechanism to deliver water to the South Lands from Comox Lake. But for the other rivers and other TSL parcels, if any of our future developments need that water, we will need storage facilities for times of “low-flow,” which occur usually from July to October. This is costly but deals or partnerships with other players in the Valley can reduce our costs. Adding to our water supply from groundwater would allow for reduced water purification costs and help keep the [...]

Are we going to require storage facilities for water?2020-06-11T00:38:57-07:00

Do we not have a right to access fresh water right now?


Right now, K’ómoks has a small allocation of water from the Puntledge River to the Puntledge Reserve #2, but this is not enough to ‘service’ any significant development. K’ómoks has come to agreement with the City of Courtenay and the Regional District to provide adequate water to develop Puntledge IR#2. In Treaty Negotiations K’ómoks has negotiated treaty protected water reservations: Puntledge River – 1,408 cubic decametres; Trent River 3,362 cubic decametres; Oyster River 3,807 cubic decametres; Hart Creek (Washer Ck.) 1,668 cubic decametres - totalling 10, 245 cubic decameters (10. 245 billion litres) annually. Additionally, KFN has access to an additional [...]

Do we not have a right to access fresh water right now?2021-04-15T17:50:45-07:00

What kinds of laws can we make about forestry?


K’ómoks may make laws about all K’ómoks forest resources and forest practices except for laws applying to ‘scaling’ and ‘timber marking’ of timber moving off K’ómoks TSL. The K’ómoks owns all Forest Resources on K’ómoks lands. Except for the areas of wildfire and forest health, K’ómoks forest law prevails over B.C. law. K’ómoks will be protecting from the potential financial impacts of forest wildfires by a Wildfire Suppression Agreement with Canada and B.C. If there is a fire on TSL, B.C. will put it out as if it were on Provincial Crown Land and costs will be covered as per the [...]

What kinds of laws can we make about forestry?2021-04-15T17:52:10-07:00

What happens when there is development in the harvest area?


When there is a proposal to develop land that will affect our ability to hunt, BC or Canada will consult with K’ómoks to lessen the impact on our hunting before allowing the development to take place. BC must ensure that development does not deny the K’ómoks the opportunity to harvest wildlife.

What happens when there is development in the harvest area?2021-04-15T17:54:51-07:00

Will we be able to continue to hunt wildlife?


Yes. We will be able to hunt as we do now for domestic purposes, subject only to measures necessary for conservation, public health, or public safety. We continue to negotiate for shared decision-making over wildlife and wildlife management in our territory.

Will we be able to continue to hunt wildlife?2020-06-11T00:28:42-07:00

Can we call our fishing territory a name or escort people off our territory?


We can call our fishing territory whatever we like, but to formalize that name may be difficult because many other First Nations fish in the same area and it may be hard to get agreement on a common name. We will not be able to escort people out of our fishing territory as we do not own it, we fish there like other people.

Can we call our fishing territory a name or escort people off our territory?2021-04-15T17:56:10-07:00

Will K’ómoks play a role in management of fisheries?


Our position is that K’ómoks must play a role in the management of fish and sea resources through not only a local Fisheries Management Committee, but also by taking part in any regional management committees established over all or a portion of our traditional territory and domestic fishing area. We are currently working on this jointly with First Nations who are members of A-Tlegay. In addition, K’ómoks is negotiating shared decision-making over the Oyster, Salmon and Puntledge River systems. Also, we have negotiated the establishment of the Aquaculture Review Committee (ARC) which reviews for approval (or not) all new and renewed [...]

Will K’ómoks play a role in management of fisheries?2021-04-15T17:57:37-07:00

Are we getting the Spit back?


The majority of the Goose Spit will belong to K’ómoks the Treaty is approved by KFN Members; this includes the portion known as HMCS Quadra which is currently used as a cadet camp in the summer.

Are we getting the Spit back?2021-08-26T17:04:57-07:00
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