
K’ómoks ratified its Land Code in September of 2016 and operates under First Nations Land Management. As a signatory to the First Nations Land Management Act, K’ómoks has opted to take over the management and control of their land and resources, including the protection and management of Reserve land management, thereby removing the land and resource sections of the Indian Act.

The Lands Department is responsible for Land Use Planning and administering the Land Code and related policies, laws and procedures, to regulate the land use of our Reserve Lands.

“As stewards of our lands, resources and the environment around us, we will honor our ancestors by adhering to our cultural laws and values, passed down generation to generation. We will move forward responsibly using accountability, transparency, environmental responsibility and K’ómoks cultures as the cornerstones of our land management practices. With the guidance of the Creator and our membership represented in our Lands Advisory Committee, we will protect our homelands to ensure environmental sustainability and integrity while building sustainable economic development on our lands.”

– Our Lands Mission

Lands Department Resources

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K’ómoks First Nation Reserve Lands & Maps

Comprehensive Community Plan

We support the community by listening and representing our nation.

The new Comprehensive Community Plan (also called CCP or Plan) provides an agreed-upon statement of how the air, lands, and water within our territory will be cared for, protected, and developed into the future. The CCP will also be used by adjacent regional districts, nearby municipalities, the province, and the federal government, and private groups such as forestry companies, tourism operators, or other businesses to understand the land use directions of the K’ómoks First Nation. In summary, the Comprehensive Community Plan:

  • Assists Chief, Council and our members in evaluating proposed developments to ensure that they are consistent with the vision and objectives of our members as expressed in this plan;
  • Provides direction on growth over the next 10 to 15 years;
  • Is a tool to help guide our decisions now and in the future, to develop and protect our lands in a way that reflects our environmental, spiritual, social, and economic values.
  • Reflects our decisions about what types of uses we want to allow on our lands and where we want to allow them.
  • Covers a broad spectrum of topics: the use of resource lands, protection of culturally significant areas, identification of economic development zones, and plans for housing.
  • Takes a short-to mid-range view (five to 15 years) on land development, land protection, and growth and change in our community.
  • Sets out an Implementation Strategy to ensure that the directions set out by the Plan are achieved.

The CCP should be reviewed annually, to ensure there is widespread agreement on shared goals among the members of the K’ómoks First Nation. The Plan should not be interpreted as a final or complete statement on land use, and/or the right and title to use land within the Plan Area, nor does it limit the consideration of additional or other lands at a future date as part of separate negotiation, claim, and/or settlement processes.

By planning, we are agreeing as a community on actions we can take to strengthen and sustain the cultural, spiritual, social, economic, and environmental wellbeing of our people, our air, lands, and waters. 


Carol McCollLands Manager
Carol is the Lands Manager working on the day-to-day administration of the lands and resources of the K’ómoks First Nation…